I feel happy and confident that I can enjoy my life, thanks to GPFM
Hi, my name is Jane Gent. I’ve been with GPFM since around about 2006, and with Scott for the last 13 years.
The reason we originally got in touch with GPFM, was because we were looking for financial advisers for the future, we’d reached that particular age. We had been looking around, we actually knew Gerald Pepper. We trusted him and that’s why I went with GPFM.
Although I had been with Gerald for a number of years, it was when I came to be with Scott, that things in my life changed. I got divorced, therefore my financial situation changed, and I got a great deal of help during that period.
To be working with GPFM makes me feel very secure. I really respect all the advice that I’m given, if I need more then I know that I can always just contact them.
I think the best thing about working with GPFM is that if I do need them, I can pick up the phone, to contact them. If I’ve got any problems, maybe I need to get more money or anything, I know that they’re there to help me.
Whenever I see Scott, we always talk about the future and how long my finances will last me. I think that I’m going to be very secure in the future.
I think the best advice they’ve been able to give me was definitely during the time that I got divorced. Until something happens like that you don’t know how financially you’re going to be, well off or not. You need to safeguard your money to give yourself a future, and that’s what happened. Their advice on how to deal with things has helped me. I feel happy and confident that I can enjoy my life.
I think that if I had not been with GPFM to try and sort out my finances, making my future secure would have been very difficult. I wouldn’t have known really where to start. Would I have been going down the right avenues to make sure that I was going to be secure until the day that I die? GPFM take out all that hassle for me.
My three words to describe GPF are professionalism, great advisers and friendliness.
Yes, I would recommend GPFM, in fact, I have done so in the past. Yes, if anybody needed someone, I would recommend them, because they’re just very good at what they do.